JW FLV Player player.swf 5 LongTail Video This is the JW FLV Player. http://developer.longtailvideo.com/trac/browser/trunk/fl5 - - controlbar bottom Position of the controlbar. Can be set to bottom, over and none. - - skin - The skin to be used by the player. To see what each skin looks like please visit the - JW Player Skins Page ]]> . - dock false Set this to true to show the dock with large buttons in the top right of the player. Available since 4.5. - - - autostart false Automatically start playback on load. - - height 280 Height of the display in pixels. - width 400 Width of the display in pixels. - - playerready Javascript callback when the player has completed its setup. - - icons true Set this to false to hide the play button and buffering icon in the middle of the video. - - backcolor Background color (hex value) of the controlbar and playlist. This is white with the default skin. - frontcolor Color (hex value) of all icons and texts in the controlbar and playlist as a hex code. - lightcolor Color (hex value) of an icon or text when you rollover it with the mouse as a hex code. - screencolor Background color (hex value) of the display as a hex code. - - item 0 PlaylistItem that should start to play. Use this to start the player with a specific item selected. - playlist.position none Position of the playlist. Can be set to bottom, over, right or none. - - playlistsize 180 When below this refers to the height, when right this refers to the width of the playlist. - repeat none What to do when the mediafile has ended. - - shuffle false Randomly choose which playlist item to play. - - - bufferlength 1 Number of seconds of the file that has to be loaded before starting. Set this to a low value to enable instant-start and to a high value to get less mid-stream buffering. - smoothing true This sets the smoothing of videos, so you won't see blocks when a video is upscaled. Set this to false to get performance improvements with old computers / big files. Available since 4.4. - - stretching uniform Defines how to resize images in the display. Can be none (no stretching), exactfit (disproportionate), uniform (stretch with black borders) or fill (uniform, but completely fill the display). - - wmode opaque Sets the Window Mode property of the Flash movie for transparency, layering, and positioning in the browser. - - - mute false Mute all sounds on startup. This can be overridden by a user's cookie, which stores the user's last muting state. - - volume 90 Startup volume of the player. Can be 0 to 100. The user's last volume setting is saved in a cookie and overrides this flashvar. - - provider this is determines what type of mediafile this item is, and thus which provider the player should use for playback. By default, the type is detected by the player based upon the file extension. If there's no suitable extension or the player detects the type wrong, it can be manually set. - streamer location of an rtmp/http server instance to use for streaming. Can be an RTMP application or external PHP/ASP file. - - playlistfile Location of an XML playlist which will be loaded as the player starts. - author Author of the video, shown in the display or playlist. - date Publish date of the media file. - description Text description of the file. - duration duration of the file in seconds. - file location of the mediafile or playlist to play. - image location of a preview image; shown in display and playlist. - link url to an external page the display, controlbar and playlist can link to. - start 0 position in seconds where playback has to start. Won't work for regular (progressive) videos, but only for streaming (HTTP/RTMP). - tags keywords associated with the media file. Available since 4.3. - title title of the video, shown in the display or playlist. malayalamonline